Monthly Archives: June 2013

ipad case turned clutch

today I am thankful for little finds like I found this morning.

In Target:
‘i need a fun bright clutch to spice up this outfit!’
walk into the handbag area
baby blue with buckle… no….
coral oversized cuteness… YES…
walking out of the handbag area
ipad case too??!!! I had been needing one 🙂 woo its the little things 🙂

new clothes

today I am so thankful for the confidence that comes from inside but also how fun new clothes and new shoes are 🙂

so many things to be thankful for

I am so thankful for the time I had with Amy and Sarah…

I am so thankful for joints that flex, muscles that work, healthy feet and bones, and a trim body.

I am so thankful for sunshine that reminds me of God’s pervasive love and light.

I am so thankful for the welcoming hearts and arms of my parents for allowing me to stay with them.

I am so thankful for Erin Young… we had a wonderful conversation about marriage and its difficulties, focusing on the marriage instead of the wedding, premarital / marriage counseling, Hope Lutheran, and Dave Ramsey. What an awesome person God has brought into our lives!!

God’s guidance

I am so so so very thankful I can call on God and ask for His guidance, direction in the LARGE and the small things in my life. Life can feel dismal at times.. overwhelming…. chaotic… aimaless in direction at times……… God’s guidance and unabounding LOVE keeps me afloat and looking upward!! My devotional this morning read ” people often are attracted and antagonized to the small things in your life.

Moving day…

Today marks MOVING DAY. Wow. Thank you, Lord GOd, for our safe townhouse that was soooo perfect for (like so many things in my life!!!!!!) inspires me to own + decorate + invest in a home with beautiful with gorgeous trim, with wood floors, in a neighborhood you feel safe and inspired…….. it was also perfect in growing closer to Amy Carrie and Sarah. The location was so fun and gave us parking passes, walking paths ( I loved walking to and from work during my time at Meredith Spring 2010 until May 2012! and walking to and from the Farmers Market). Carmen and Jason visited, Krystal Kace Katie Theulen and I had fondue night, Carolyn stayed, Jill Budden visited, Josh and I watched Flight of the Concords when we first met, he suprised me with Monday night cake and flowers, enjoyed many drinks on the deck overlooking downtown….. WOW. I am one blessed girl. Thank you, Lord God, for opening the door to another home space (and the best on with my parents!!!) and readying Josh and my hearts to committing to one another and through all of that, thank you so very much for opening another channel of money to be put toward debt.

Easy things that at first scared us

Lord God, thank you for the things we dread and then, as they wash through our lives, they are easy. maybe enjoyable. surprising. Life is so good!

heart smiling

I am so thankful for the sunny days, the rainy mornings, the dark cool days, trips to Lowes with Joshers and God’s guidance.

Lace was telling a story about taking a Fathers Day card to Phil last week and Phil as telling her how your dad is looking forward to you and josh getting married and … I stopped her! what? say that again… yeah your dad was telling Phil how excited he is for you and JOsh to get married and be together. WELL if that doesn’t make your heart smile I dont know what does!! I keep recalling that and it really does make my hear just smile.


I am thankful for a God that steers us back to the way He wants us to act, treat one another, love, forgive, forget, show gentleness…….

Heres to a very fun Friday full of take your dog to work day + horse back riding with joshers.

positive things

there are so so so so many positive things to hang onto… in the most recent 5-6 months I feel that God is shining a huge spotlight on all of these things! they are shining! I am not able to look past them or find fault in anything surrounding them! It is wonderful and each day I realize more and more the importance of thankfulness and turning to God. On top of that, each day  I am blown away by the reality of God’s peace and love and joy.

our teamwork
our communication
our growth
our exciting future
our fun activities
horseback riding
farmers markets
twins game
Chicago trip
stronger hair
healthy skin
renewed friendships
sunny weather
happy mindset
work variety
fun work projects
work flexibility
wonderful car
safe home
soooo many things to be thankful for…


I am so thankful for a fun loving boyfriend…. last night we grilled (he is the king of great fish seasoning!!!), tossed the football, had drinks on the deck and took a loooong walk. After that we cuddled and drifted off… God, thank you for blessing me with someone so similar, so fun, attractive, loving, and FAIR to us.